Thursday, January 6, 2011

TLCs Extreme Couponing

Were you able to catch TLC's Extreme Couponing?  Entertainment Weekly has just announced that the Extreme Couponing special will become a 12-week series.  I've read a variety of opinions about the show.  Some thought it bordered on hoarding while others were inspired to begin/continue couponing to save money in already tight budgets.

While I can see both sides of these comments,
(When husbands and families are 'dissed' while wife/mother runs after coupon deals, the title 'extreme' is accurate.  On the other hand, buying 1100 boxes of cereal and donating them to a food bank is admirable.  When couponers are able to get items for free or close to free, and choose to donate those items to those in need as opposed to cramming their homes with items they could not possibly use in YEARS and YEARS - I am impressed!)
shining a light on the value of couponing can only mean good things for many who find themselves trying to stretch their dollar to cover everyday expenses.  When manufacturers get more of our money by downsizing their products but keeping the same prices, we need every advantage we can get.

It's possible we might learn something from these 'extreme' couponers.  I know I plan to watch!  What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. yes i did think that these people should have been on the show hoarders. it was very extreme couponing to me. but now reading your thoughts i have to agree. it is really amazing how much money people can save.
    makes me want to go to the grocery store right now! :)
    thanks for your blog mom! i enjoy your posts!
