Sunday, April 24, 2011

SavingStar - New eCoupon Site

There's a new ecoupon site in town!  SavingStar has posted over $50 in savings by using ecoupons linked to your store loyalty card.  Ecoupons (aka digital coupons) are already available through Coinstar, Softcoin, Cellfire, Shortcuts and P&G esaver.  The big difference with SavingStar is that you can now save coupons not only to your Smith's card, but you can also save coupons to your CVS and Albertsons cards.  SavingStar coupons cannot be saved to your Vons card.  While the coupons are added to all cards, they clearly state 'One Time Use Only.'  So I believe they will only be redeemed once when you purchase the product at a registered store.

SavingStar works a little bit differently from the other ecoupon sites.  When you've register your loyalty card numbers at SavingStar, all coupons you select are linked to ALL cards.  You make your purchases as usual, your total will NOT reflect the SavingStar ecoupon savings.  These SavingStar coupon savings accumulate in your SavingStar account until you've reached $5 in savings.  When you've reach $5, you choose your payout option:  bank account, paypal,, or american forests.

But here's the great part.  In the FAQ, SavingStar says:
Can I combine SavingStar eCoupons with other paper or digital coupons?
For now, the answer is yes.
Yes, yes, yes!  Yippee!

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